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Wednesday, 21 October 2015

وظائف شركة فيديكس fedex

لمتابعة وظائف شركة فيديكس الحالية  ولاستلام ايميلات  باى وظيفة مستقبليه يجرى زياره الروابط التالية 

Searching for a FedEx Job

If you'd like to join our team, please take a minute to register in our unique job matching system. This is the best way of searching for jobs you can apply for now and registering your interest for suitable job opportunities that will arise in the future.

The job finder allows you to:
  • Confidentially create a brief personal profile
  • Receive a current list of vacancies that match you profile
  • Receive e-mails about future job vacancies that match your profile
Our on-line application process is the same for everyone, regardless of the type of position you are applying for. However, our recruitment and selection methods may vary depending on the nature of the job and the skills required.

More about our Jobs

As you would expect for a Company of our size, we have people performing many different jobs that offer various career paths. 

The majority of our positions are customer-facing (Couriers, Customer Service Representatives, Sales Professionals etc.), although we have of course other roles (in functions such as IT, Marketing, Finance, Planning & Engineering and HR) that help support the business in achieving its goals.

Before you search for a job with us, you may want to learn more about some of the roles we frequently recruit for by clicking on one of the categories below. 

click here

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